
Why truck drivers are important to America
With a huge impact on America's economy, the trucking industry is often under-looked for its importance. Made up of 3.5 million truck drivers, America’s trucking industry is one shoe that is very hard to fill. Because of truck drivers, food,…

What truck drivers need to know to stop Human Trafficking
Annually, there are 17,500 people who are being trafficked in the United States. Meanwhile, just this last year, there were 5,147 cases of human trafficking reported. Approximately, 2,250 of those reports were made by truck drivers! With these…

Benefits of working for TransWood
In the transportation industry, is not uncommon to hear the negative side effects of being a truck driver. However, for most truck drivers it’s a job that pays well and puts food on the table. On average, truck drivers make around $73,349…