We are approaching one of the busiest times of the year, and balancing work, family and holiday gatherings may be a challenge especially for truck drivers. Truck drivers are responsible for a number of necessary and time sensitive deliveries and goods from petroleum to feed.  

This is also the time of year to spend with family and friends at holiday gatherings, but for a truck driver, this can pose challenges. A Midwest trucking company like TransWood knows how important it is for their drivers to be connected with loved ones. 

Here are some tips for balancing your trucking and family life.

  1. Stay in contact with loved ones

While over the road driving, talk to your family every day if possible. Advancements in technology have made it possible for you to communicate from any part of the world. One positive from this current pandemic is being able to see and talk to loved ones virtually through facetime apps. While these apps have always been available, it is more common and used in people’s everyday lives. Apps like Google Hangouts, Zoom, FaceTime and more are easy to use!  

If you are on a trip for a long period of time, you can make scheduled calls as this adds some normalcy to your routine. A good idea is to call during dinner, so you can enjoy dinner with your family. 

  1. Be well-rested

Sleep can affect you and you may not notice when it does! It affects your job performance along with your overall attitude towards those around you. Sleep may also be affecting your mental health. A Midwest trucking company recommends that truckers get a minimum of eight hours of sleep a night, even on their days off. 

Lack of sleep can result in having trouble staying alert on the job. It can also affect the relationships in your life. Make sure to get a good amount of rest, it is beneficial for both your personal and work life. 

  1. Find fun activities to help clear your mind

Truck drivers may come to a point in their careers when they face burnout. A Midwest trucking company like TransWood recommends that their drivers find activities that can help take their minds off of work.

Some activities are vacations and breaks from work. Vacations can get expensive, but you can always use vacation days to do what makes you happy. For example, housework can be therapeutic, reading a book, exercising or anything that makes you happy! Doing these activities can help your mind relax during a hard time. Being tense from work can affect your loved ones. 

If you love holiday festivities, you can make gingerbread houses, spend the day decorating or cooking your favorite holiday foods! Another way to relax is by putting on a holiday movie marathon! 

Another great way for truck drivers to clear their mind is to implement meditation in their daily routine. It can be as short as five minutes a day! It can be done in the morning when you wake up, before bed or in your cab. Truck driving has many stressors and meditating can help reduce overall stress. 

TransWood provides truckers with flexible schedules and job assignments. This ensures you can easily balance family and work life. Get the income and the family time you need with Transwood. Contact us today for more information on applying as a driver.

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