These times have caused uncertainty among many Americans, from indefinitely working from home to having a “shelter in place” in most states. Companies should be constantly checking up on their employees and their mental health. Being stuck at home all day can really affect someone’s overall mood. 

Companies that have been deemed “essential” should also be checking in on employees as they can start to feel stressed about COVID-19. The best trucking companies are making sure that their employees are dealing with their mental health. 

It is extremely important for truck drivers to have someone check up on them and their mental health. Watching the news can cause more panic in people, and seeing empty shelves can affect a truck driver. 

Tips for dealing with mental health during COVID-19 

  1. Manage your expectations, don’t overdo it and overwork yourself 
  2. Find ways to cope with stress, like listening to music or podcasts 
  3. Understand what makes you on edge and work to avoid it 
  4. Maintain a stable routine 
  5. Worry about the present, not the future.

This can be easier said than done, but it is important to work on the five items listed above during this pandemic. Here’s some examples on how to manage mental health during COVID-19


When managing your expectations, you have to remember to leave time for your body and mind to relax. It can be easy to think about all the people in need, but you also have to remember that in order for you to help them you need to be the best version of yourself. 

Coping with stress 

Finding hobbies can help take your mind off work, and boost your overall mood. Listening to a podcast while driving can help take your mind off the COVID-19 stress. Hearing other driver’s stories can help you to feel as if you are not alone. Another way to de-stress is to meditate, take deep breaths often and stretch to get the blood flowing throughout your body. 

Create small, yet effective routines 

If one thing causes you to stress, try to find other things to occupy your mind. Try your best to keep a regular routine, for example, you can create a routine for when you get into your cab. You can start with stretching your legs and back before you enter the cab, and when you get in the cab, you can wipe everything down, then put on your favorite tunes or podcast, and go on with your route! 

How the best trucking companies can help 

The best trucking companies will ensure their employees to stay positive and encourage them to talk to someone about what they are feeling. They will encourage them to focus on what is currently happening and not to overthink what will happen. 

Did you know that what you eat can affect your mood? Being on the road can be hard to maintain a healthy eating schedule but you can always meal prep! This will save you time and your body will thank you in the long run! Also, be mindful of what you are drinking. Too much caffeine can affect your health. Drink more water! 

Another factor is lack of sleep, yes these are crazy times but remember to get a good night of sleep every night. A good night of sleep will help you feel better! TransWood is of the best trucking companies and always ensures that its employees are being safe and in a good mental space. If you have any questions or would like to speak to us regarding your mental health, contact us today!

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