Entries by admin


How truckers can help stop Human Trafficking

With 40.3 million victims being effected by human trafficking globally, it’s up to people in the trucking community to stop trafficking for good. No matter where it’s happening, truck drivers have specific training that the everyday civilians don’t because they are constantly on the road stopping at truck stops of America. According to the National […]

Allergy season and truckers

Spring is a time to rejoice and enjoy, unfortunately with the joy of Spring comes the annoyance of seasonal allergies! The problem with having allergies as a truck driver is that you are limited to what you can consume within the frame of trucking industry safety guidelines. As many of you may know, according to […]

Why truck drivers are important to America

With a huge impact on America’s economy, the trucking industry is often under-looked for its importance. Made up of 3.5 million truck drivers, America’s trucking industry is one shoe that is very hard to fill. Because of truck drivers, food, products, equipment and other freight are able to reach from one ocean to the next […]

How to recognize hazards while trucking

Some drivers find it a challenge to manage the space around their truck when dealing with other vehicles weaving in and out of the truck’s blind spots, tailgaters, construction zones and traffic congestion. That’s why all drivers must be able to recognize the hazards that can lead to an accident. Once a trucker  has identified […]

The best dash cams 2019 has to offer truck drivers

Although truck drivers follow certain safety precautions in their everyday lives, accidents still happen. To help protect truck drivers there are trucking system technologies that every fleet should have on the road. No matter the accident, drive cams for trucks can help protect drivers from liability and keep them out of trouble! To get started […]